Accreditation fees

General agreements

The Board of Directors fixed the fee for the accreditation visit for 2022 on 8500€ (the same amount as for 2021). However, if the visit is fully conducted in an online format, the fee is reduced to 7300€.
The Member should arrange and pay for:

  • The accomodation and meals of the members of the Review Team during the Review Visit;
  • Any traveling during the Review Visit (but excluding inbound and outbound flights, visa fees, ... see below; these costs are included in the traveling provision of 1600€, see below).

This fee includes:

  • An evaluation visit of maximum 3 days by maximum 4 people (12 reviewers-days);
  • A traveling provision of 1600€; this budget will include all traveling expenses from made by the reviewer (transportation from and to the airport in the country of the reviewer, any visa fee, the inbound and outbound flights);
  • The decision-taking process by the BoC;
  • All administrative activities regarding the accreditation request.
  • 1 set of original certificates; additional copies can be ordered by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The invoice is made after receiving the Stage 1 documents (in case of an accreditation request), or after receiving an email confirming the request of the Member for reaccreditation. The invoice is payable within 14 days of issuing.

Stage 3 of the accreditation process will only be planned after receipt of the above mentioned payment.

If, due to the amount of programs to be accredited, or the specific location of the Member, these provisions are insufficient, the accreditation fee shall be augmented to cover any additional costs.

  • The difference between the real traveling expenses and the provision of 1600€ will be invoiced to the Member;
  • For every additional reviewers-day needed, 300 € will be invoiced to the Member.

This additional invoice must be paid before the BoC will decide on the accreditation.

Official start of the Review Visit

The official start of the Review Visit process is the moment the member files the Stage 1 documents. After receiving these documents, the Review Visit format will be confirmed, and the invoice will be sent.

The visit can only start if the Member has no outstanding invoices, or, if there are still outstanding invoices, an installment agreement has been agreed upon, following the provisions of the procedure unpaid invoices.

Cancellation of a started Review Visit

Once the Review Visit process is started (see above), the Member cannot cancel it anymore, unless it is willing to pay a Cancellation Fee.
The same procedure applies if the Review Visit is started (see above), but has to be cancelled by ECBE because the Member didn't pay the invoice of the Review Visit in time, or is not following any installment agreement, agreed upon following the provisions of the procedure unpaid invoices.

The Cancellation Fee depends on the moment the cancellation is requested by the Member and confirmed by the DoA or, in case of non-payment of the invoice, the cancellation is communicated to the Member, and also on the format of the visit. Please refer to the table below:

  • For an online Review Visit:
    • until end of week n-9: 15%
    • until end of week n-6: 25%
    • until end of week n-4: 40%
    • until end of week n-2: 50%
    • after end of week n-2: 100%
  • For an on-site Review Visit:
    • until end of week n-9: 15%
    • until end of week n-6: 25%
    • until end of week n-4: 60%
    • until end of week n-2: 70%
    • after end of week n-2: 100%

In principle, Cancellation Fees cannot be recovered, even if the Review Visit is rescheduled to a later date. Please contact the DoFA or the DoA to discuss your specific case.

The weeks mentioned above refer to the Review Visit Timeline.
The percentages are applied to the Review Visit Fee, calculated above.



ECBE's 2022 Conference

Annual Conference:
The Strategic Turn
19-20 May 2022


Annual General Meeting:
(For Members only)
21 May 2022


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ENQA registration process

  • 02/10/2020: ENQA review visit ECBE started
  • 29/06/2020: ENQA review visit to ECBE is planned to start, but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is postponed to Fall
  • 29/02/2020: ECBE Self-Assessment Report was submitted to ENQA
  • 10/02/2020: Updates of the ECBE Quality Management Manual
  • 06/11/2019: The BoD approves the Bye-Laws, version 2.3.
  • 28/05/2019: EQAR confirms that the application by ECBE for inclusion on the Register is eligible
  • 14/05/2019: ECBE submits the application for EQAR registration
  • 15/04/2019: ENQA and ECBE agree on the full membership time-line; contract is signed
  • 14/01/2019: The General Meetings in Brussels approve the new Statutes

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ECBE ivzw

European Council
for Business Education ivzw

Avenue Louise 65
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