Accreditation cases

Following accreditation visits are planned or have been executed.
The list only contains visits after November 1st, 2018.
Click on the name of a reviewer to see more information, and to download his/her resume.

If you have any question or remark about this list, please contact the Director of Accredition.

Please note that, due to the Covid19 pandemic, several Review Visits are postponed.


Date (start visit) Institution Country CoRT (*) Reviewers Status (*) Report and decision
2021 Castelldefels School of Social Sciences Spain     Planning in progress  
2021 European Center of International Hotel Management France     Planning in progress  
2021 Siberian Federal University-IMBPE Russia     Planning in progress  
2021 Siberian Federal University, Institute of Economics, Management and Environmental Studies (IEMES) Russia     Planning in progress  
2021 Middle East College Sultanate of Oman     Planning in Progress  
2021 Moscow International University Russia     Planning in progress  
2021 Swiss School of Higher Education Switzerland     Planning in progress  
27/06/2021 International Business School The Hague Netherlands Kureshov Lojda, Niebergall Decision BoC available Details and decision
06/06/2021 American University in Switzerland Switzerland Nalbandyan Lojda, Cepeda Review Visit Finalized Details and decision
28/02/2021 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Russia Lojda KhoshtariaGrebenyuk Decision BoC available Details and decision
27/09/2020 University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Science Slovenia White Nalbandyan, Khostaria, Niebergall Decision BoC available Details and decision
12/05/2020 Horizons University France Lojda White, Anisimova, Cepeda Decision BoC available Details and decision
23/02/2020 AMA International University Bahrain Bahrain Kureshov Johnson, Anisimova, Kitching Decision BoC available Details and decision 
12/01/2020 Alma Mater Europea Slovenia Kureshov Nalbandyan, White, Jelcova Decision BoC available Details and decision 
12/01/2020 Higher School of Business, Southern Federal University Russia Lojda Johnson, Khoshtaria, Vasilevska Decision BoC available Details and decision
05/11/2019 Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Russia Lojda Johnson, Khoshtaria, Anisimova, Grebenyuk Decision BoC available Details and decision
14/07/2019 United International Business Schools (UIBS) Switzerland Lojda Johnson, Khoshtaria, Kitching Decision BoC available Details and decision
07/04/2019 Alfred Nobel University Ukraine Johnson Khoshtaria, Kitching Decision BoC available Details and decision
24/03/2019 San Martin de Porres University Peru Lojda WhiteNalbandyan, Cordoba Decision BoC available Details and decision
10/03/2019 International Business School The Hague Netherlands Kureshov Johnson, Jelcova Decision BoC available Details and decision
27/01/2019 University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business Slovenia Rietbroek Lodja, Anisimova, Kitching Decision BoC available Details and decision
27/01/2019 Institute of Technology and Business Czech Republic Johnson Haan, Davut, Jelcova Decision BoC available Details and decision
09/12/2018 London American City College UAE Kureshov Rietbroek, Johnson, Kitching Decision BoC available Details and decision
11/11/2018 Mendel University Czech Republic Kureshov Johnson, Rietbroek, Jelcova Decision BoC available Details and decision


CoTR: Chair of Review Team
BoC: Board of Commissioners
DoA: Director of Accreditation

Status can be:

  • Planning in progress: the Institution confirmed its intention to start the (re)accreditation process
  • Planned: the Review Visit is planned by ECBE's DoA
  • Confirmed: the Review Visit date is confirmed by the Member institution
  • Stage1: Stage 1 documents received
  • Stage2: Stage 2 documents received
  • Review visit finalized: the Review Visit has taken place; the final report will be sent to the BoC
  • Decision BoC available: the BoC has taken a decision, and is communicated to the institution by the DoA


ECBE's 2022 Conference

Annual Conference:
The Strategic Turn
19-20 May 2022


Annual General Meeting:
(For Members only)
21 May 2022


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ENQA registration process

  • 02/10/2020: ENQA review visit ECBE started
  • 29/06/2020: ENQA review visit to ECBE is planned to start, but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is postponed to Fall
  • 29/02/2020: ECBE Self-Assessment Report was submitted to ENQA
  • 10/02/2020: Updates of the ECBE Quality Management Manual
  • 06/11/2019: The BoD approves the Bye-Laws, version 2.3.
  • 28/05/2019: EQAR confirms that the application by ECBE for inclusion on the Register is eligible
  • 14/05/2019: ECBE submits the application for EQAR registration
  • 15/04/2019: ENQA and ECBE agree on the full membership time-line; contract is signed
  • 14/01/2019: The General Meetings in Brussels approve the new Statutes

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