Notifying Programmes for Accreditation

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The procedure is as follows:

  • The Member should express in writing the intention to apply for accreditation for one or more programmes within a period of 2 years. This option is available for programmes of Members, for which the Member assesses that they are not yet ready for application for accreditation (example: required cohort is not available yet, or any other eligibility condition as defined for filing the Stage 1 documents is not yet met) but will be in the near future.
  • This Membership is granted for a fixed period of 2 years. However, if the necessary cohort will only be available after this period, the BoD can decide to extend the term of this membership. In any case, the term should never be longer than 4 years.
  • The full application for accreditation should be done before the end of this Membership. It includes both Stage 1 and Stage 2 documents.
  • There is no additional fee for this Membership. However, after receiving the notification of approval from the BoD, the Member should pay an advance of 50% of the accreditation fee.
  • If the full application for accreditation is not received before the end of the term of this Membership, or the full application is not complete, this Membership ends definitively. The paid advance will not be reimbursed and will not be used to cover any other fee or invoice that is due by the Member.
  • The advance paid will not be reimbursed, even if the Member decides not to continue with the accreditation request.
  • This Membership doesn’t guarantee that accreditation will be given. It only states that the Member has expressed its intention to apply for accreditation within a period of 2 years.

For further information, please consult both Statutes and Bye-laws.

To apply for this special membership, members should write an email to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


ECBE's 2022 Conference

Annual Conference:
The Strategic Turn
19-20 May 2022


Annual General Meeting:
(For Members only)
21 May 2022


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ENQA registration process

  • 02/10/2020: ENQA review visit ECBE started
  • 29/06/2020: ENQA review visit to ECBE is planned to start, but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is postponed to Fall
  • 29/02/2020: ECBE Self-Assessment Report was submitted to ENQA
  • 10/02/2020: Updates of the ECBE Quality Management Manual
  • 06/11/2019: The BoD approves the Bye-Laws, version 2.3.
  • 28/05/2019: EQAR confirms that the application by ECBE for inclusion on the Register is eligible
  • 14/05/2019: ECBE submits the application for EQAR registration
  • 15/04/2019: ENQA and ECBE agree on the full membership time-line; contract is signed
  • 14/01/2019: The General Meetings in Brussels approve the new Statutes

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ECBE ivzw

European Council
for Business Education ivzw

Avenue Louise 65
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