The (Annual) General Meeting (GM or AGM)

The AGM is the sovereign policy and decision-making body of ECBE. It is composed of all active Members of ECBE. The main responsibilities of the AGM, inter alia, are to:

  • Elect and dismiss the members of the Board of Directors
  • Elect and dismiss 2 members of the Committee of Appeal;
  • Approve ECBE’s annual budget;
  • Approve ECBE’s annual financial statements;
  • Give discharge to the members of the Board of Directors;
  • Receive, consider and approve the annual reports of Directors on the activities of ECBE, of the Committee of Appeal, the Director of Accreditation and the Chairperson of ECBE - President of ECBE.
  • Take note of the annual report of the Chairman of the Pool of Reviewers and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
  • Following a decision of the Board of Directors, ratify the exclusion of Members by the Board of Directors;
  • Approve the dissolution of ECBE;
  • Take any decisions or make any recommendations to the Board of Directors that are necessary for the satisfactory functioning of ECBE;
  • Amend Statutes of ECBE.

ECBE has the following types of General meetings:

  • According to the traditions of ECBE, the Annual General Meeting is convoked every year in May. Having such a meeting once a year is mandatory. We combine the AGM with ECBE's Annual Conference: the total event takes 3 days. More information about the next AGM can be found here.
  • An Additional General Meeting can be organized whenever needed. Until today, this was done only once: on January 14th, 2019, such a meeting approved the new Statutes of the Agency.
  • An Extraordinary General Meeting is an additional one, in the presence of a notary. Such a meeting is necessary whenever Statutes are amended. Until today, this was done only once: on January 14th 2019. 


Members can download the reports of the General Meetings in the Member Area.



ECBE's 2022 Conference

Annual Conference:
The Strategic Turn
19-20 May 2022


Annual General Meeting:
(For Members only)
21 May 2022


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ENQA registration process

  • 02/10/2020: ENQA review visit ECBE started
  • 29/06/2020: ENQA review visit to ECBE is planned to start, but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is postponed to Fall
  • 29/02/2020: ECBE Self-Assessment Report was submitted to ENQA
  • 10/02/2020: Updates of the ECBE Quality Management Manual
  • 06/11/2019: The BoD approves the Bye-Laws, version 2.3.
  • 28/05/2019: EQAR confirms that the application by ECBE for inclusion on the Register is eligible
  • 14/05/2019: ECBE submits the application for EQAR registration
  • 15/04/2019: ENQA and ECBE agree on the full membership time-line; contract is signed
  • 14/01/2019: The General Meetings in Brussels approve the new Statutes

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European Council
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