Maja Fošner

MajaFosner 400Professor dr. Maja Fošner studied mathematics at the former Pedagogical faculty at the University of Maribor and she finished her studies in May 1999. Her diploma work based on the original scientific paper written together with her supervisor, for which she was awarded with Perlach award, which means one of the highest award for the students in Slovenia. At the same year she was employed as a young researcher at the Institute for Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics in Ljubljana. Parallel she got employment as an assistant of mathematics at the former Pedagogical faculty at the University of Maribor.

Her further development started with master study programme at the same faculty and she finished her Ms. degree in May 2002. Soon after this she started preparing her PhD in mathematics and her research area was Super Algebras and Graded Algebras. She finished her PhD studies in May 2004. After her PhD she started her pedagogical work at the Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Maribor and in one year she became assistant professor. In the academic year 2005/2006 she started to work at the Faculty of Logistics University of Maribor.
Soon after her employment at the Faculty of Logistics she was elected as a vice dean for education. At this position she was elected three times and in the mean time she was and she is still a member of the Senate of the Faculty and the Senat of the University of Maribor. She is also a member of some other bodies at the Faculty and the University. At the Faculty of Logistics she was also the chair of the department of Quantitative methods. All these years she took care about international Summer school at the Faculty of Logistics. She took a lot of other activities for the development of internatioanal activities for international relationships, what also include preparing study programmes in forein language.
Becide basic tasks as a vice dean she was engaged also with activities for the international accreditation of the study programmes at the Faculty of Logistics. She was elected at European Council for Business Education (ECBE) as an evaluator for international accreditations. In 2015 she was elected as one of seven members of Board of Directors at ECBE. In the year 2010 she became also an evaluator at NAKVIS (National Agency for Accreditation of Study Programmes in Slovenia).
Already as an evaluator and later as ECBE Board member she visited several European and Russian institutions. During all this period she was also invited professor at some Universities such as Saint Martin DePores (Lima Peru), George Washington University, and she also participated several international scientific conferences, where she presented her scientific research papers. She is visiting professor at the IEMI in Paris and SibSAU in Karsnoyarsk, Russia. She was also a head of several bilateral projects and Erasmus + project.
In the year 2014 she was elected as a full professor at the University of Maribor.
In all these years she has written (alone or in cooperation) a lot of scientific papers, published in leading scientific Journals with impact factor.

Full Name

Prof. Dr. Maja Fošner

Email address 

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Most important academic position

Vice Dean for Education at Faculty of Logistics, University of Maribor
Member of European Academy of Sciences and Arts in Salzburg


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ECBE mandates

Start date

End date
Director (voting) 23/05/2015 26/05/2018
Director (voting) [co-opted] 26/05/2018 14/01/2019
Director (voting) 14/01/2019 04/12/2021
Director (voting) 04/12/2021 AGM 2024




ECBE's 2022 Conference

Annual Conference:
The Strategic Turn
19-20 May 2022


Annual General Meeting:
(For Members only)
21 May 2022


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ENQA registration process

  • 02/10/2020: ENQA review visit ECBE started
  • 29/06/2020: ENQA review visit to ECBE is planned to start, but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is postponed to Fall
  • 29/02/2020: ECBE Self-Assessment Report was submitted to ENQA
  • 10/02/2020: Updates of the ECBE Quality Management Manual
  • 06/11/2019: The BoD approves the Bye-Laws, version 2.3.
  • 28/05/2019: EQAR confirms that the application by ECBE for inclusion on the Register is eligible
  • 14/05/2019: ECBE submits the application for EQAR registration
  • 15/04/2019: ENQA and ECBE agree on the full membership time-line; contract is signed
  • 14/01/2019: The General Meetings in Brussels approve the new Statutes

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